Animal Sounds follows the adventures of 2 indy rock Animals, a lion named Pedro and a panda named Manda, who are employed at Salty Snail's record store, Animal Sounds. Published and Distributed by the Vegas Rocks! Magazine. Drawn by Jeaux Janovsky, Written by Liz Ohanesian. Animal Sounds Created by Jeaux Janovsky & Liz Ohanesian. ©2009

Friday, February 06, 2009

Animal Sounds: Heard Again!

Reposted from the Doubled8 blog:

Pedro & Manda's illustrated adventures have been picked up by Las Vegas' exclusive Rock and Roll & Entertainment Magazine: Vegas Rocks! Magazine.

Special thanks goes out to VR!'s Publishing Queen of Rock n' Roll, Sally Steele & Steve "The Eggman" Eggleston for having the foresight to publish and distribute Animal Sounds at a time when most publications are cutting their comics section out cause of this economic slump. You guys are true punk rock!

About Animal Sounds: Animal Sounds follows the adventures of 2 indy rock Animals, a lion named Pedro and a panda named Manda, who are employed at Salty Snail's record store, Animal Sounds.
Created by Jeaux Janovsky & Liz Ohanesian.

Check out for more info.
-Jeaux Janovsky