Meet Pedro & Manda...

Name: Pedro
Age: 30
Species: Lion
Sex: Yes, please. j/k Male
Occupation: Record store clerk at Salty Snail's Animal Sounds (aka: professional Music snob)
Interests: music, making idiot customers cry, heckling the bands that play Animal Sounds in-store, making the bands cry, hanging out with Manda
Music: My musical taste is better than yours.
Movies: Kung fu flicks
Books: the backs of cereal boxes
Turn-ons: I'm a vegan Lion: veggies are nice, tofu kicks ass.
Turn-Offs: If you try and feed me meat, I will rip off your motherf*cking face.

Name: Manda
Age: 28
Species: Red Panda
Sex: I'm celibate, like Morrisquawk. j/k Female
Occupation: I'm the Decider & store clerk at Salty's Animal Sounds.
Music: Too much to mention.
Movies: Anything w/ Steve Marlin.
Books: currently, borrowing Pedro's Steve Marlin's Born Standing Up (in Water)
Turn-ons: I'm a panda who eats meat. Hamburgers, steaks, shish-ka-bobs, bacon, you name it. If it smells like meat, it goes into my stomach. I also like long walks in the park, writing, going to concerts, carpentry, diy clothing, mix-taping and dj-ing occasionally. And Pedro just told me to write hanging out with him. So, whatever.
Turn-Offs: People who scratch vinyl, shop-lifters, customers, bad poetry, emo bands, ex-boyfriends who happen to be in emo bands.