Episode 1: The Picture of Dorian Goose

Here is Animal Sounds Episode 1, in all it's small text glory. Note the Name error up at the Top. You should've seen how miffed Violet got after that little mishap. She said, "How can I work with this Talent-less Hack Artist?!?! I cannot work under these conditions!!!" She threatened to sue me, Liz O. and burn down the Rockit office building. She got all Left Eye Lopez Epic Ballistic Style on us all.
So, I changed the spelling as fast as you can say "Lawsuit" and Violet and I have been working together, happy and mildly dysfunctional, ever since.
Despite our working relationship being odd, well, at least in terms of having never hung out with Violet, let alone see her with my own eyes, it's not all that bad. Thankfully, I have Liz O. on my side, as her Representative and Editor Wonder.