Animal Sounds follows the adventures of 2 indy rock Animals, a lion named Pedro and a panda named Manda, who are employed at Salty Snail's record store, Animal Sounds. Published and Distributed by the Vegas Rocks! Magazine. Drawn by Jeaux Janovsky, Written by Liz Ohanesian. Animal Sounds Created by Jeaux Janovsky & Liz Ohanesian. ©2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Episode 5: The Bad News.

News Flash! Ian Emu, Emo Rocker of the band, The Emus, is dead after an accident at an In-Store Performance at Animal Sounds. Manda won't miss him.
Episode 4: The Accident.

Animal Sounds is in the middle of a remodeling and decide to have an In-Store concert w/ Manda's Emo Ex-Boyfriend, Ian's band: The Emus. Her wish for his untimely demise might come true...
Episode 3: Along Came The Emus.

Get yr complimentary tissues and guyliner ready for a glimpse into Manda's Dating Past. Oooh, Mystery!
Meet Pedro & Manda...

Name: Pedro
Age: 30
Species: Lion
Sex: Yes, please. j/k Male
Occupation: Record store clerk at Salty Snail's Animal Sounds (aka: professional Music snob)
Interests: music, making idiot customers cry, heckling the bands that play Animal Sounds in-store, making the bands cry, hanging out with Manda
Music: My musical taste is better than yours.
Movies: Kung fu flicks
Books: the backs of cereal boxes
Turn-ons: I'm a vegan Lion: veggies are nice, tofu kicks ass.
Turn-Offs: If you try and feed me meat, I will rip off your motherf*cking face.

Name: Manda
Age: 28
Species: Red Panda
Sex: I'm celibate, like Morrisquawk. j/k Female
Occupation: I'm the Decider & store clerk at Salty's Animal Sounds.
Music: Too much to mention.
Movies: Anything w/ Steve Marlin.
Books: currently, borrowing Pedro's Steve Marlin's Born Standing Up (in Water)
Turn-ons: I'm a panda who eats meat. Hamburgers, steaks, shish-ka-bobs, bacon, you name it. If it smells like meat, it goes into my stomach. I also like long walks in the park, writing, going to concerts, carpentry, diy clothing, mix-taping and dj-ing occasionally. And Pedro just told me to write hanging out with him. So, whatever.
Turn-Offs: People who scratch vinyl, shop-lifters, customers, bad poetry, emo bands, ex-boyfriends who happen to be in emo bands.